Of course, the most important thing to do when you come to Corfu is to explore Corfu. However, a big trend that you will see up and coming in the next few years is island hopping. What do I mean?

Yes, exactly that. Although, I am not talking about the other known islands in the Ionian, for example, Lefkada, Kefalonia etc. I’m talking about the small barely known islands right around Corfu!
Paxos and Antipaxos Island
I guess that is your question right? Well, we can start off with the pretty popular Paxos and Anti Paxos islands. These islands are south of Corfu and possibly have clearer water than Corfu. There is a decent amount of life on the island. You can find places to stay and places to eat. It is inhabitated in the summer to say the least.
Every year there are more and more companies opening up to bring you to this island. There are 10 hour experiences that you can find where they give you a tour. It is cheap however, there are many people on the boat with you and lets face it 10 hours is a very long experience to be in the hot sun, and next to other people.
So what do i suggest?
Corfu Rib Cruises just opened up in Ermones Corfu. A perfect spot for what they are doing. I will explain why later. So they have a huge 8-10 meter rib boat that holds 10 people! Why is this exciting? Well, ermones to Paxos is a big trip so it will definitely be quite a lot of money so to go only 2 people maybe out of the question. However, maybe you have some friends on the island, and maybe you met some people here. Gather all of them and you can split it. The 8 hour trip to a beautiful island from a beautful island, is now an instagram story!
Traveling in small groups is better!
- easier to talk to people
- not crowded
- make friends
- won’t disturb the people around you
- being and feeling apart of something
- participating
With big groups a lot of the time people get left out. Not every one is a extrovert and needs to be pushed a little bit to talk. In a big group this is almost impossible I know from experience. However, in a small group we feel more comfortable to talk.
Diapontia Islands
Have you heard of these islands? On the North West Coast of Corfu there are some small islands. Ereikoussa, Mathraki, and Othoni. These 3 very small islands are still very wild! They have a very small all year round population ranging from 100- 500 people. There are barely any shops/businesses. Not much to do in general. However, all of these islands are getting more and more popular every year. So people are building.
It is also hard to get here! There aren’t many ferries and chances are you will have to stay over night, but how about if you haven’t booked a room? Since it is difficult to book a room somewhere chances are you haven’t.
Well in this case, Corfu Rib Cruises also offers a tour to these magnificient islands. I think these are even more special than the last.
Most Corfiots haven’t even been here!
Have I convinced you yet?
Maybe I should show you a photo first.
not that nice of a photo.. I’m also trying to keep it a little untouched 😉
Much more…
Corfu Rib Cruises offers many different tours other thans these, for instance to Vidos island. An island with so much history. That has still yet to be fully explored.
Have you been to Porto Timoni Beach? They also do a tour here!
Of course, they also do a romantic sunset tour. A Corfu sunset is different than your normal sunset. You have to see it from the see to understand 🙂
Don’t be shy! Contact me and I will help this original experience come true!
Capture your ride!
So there is something else… They go together like coffee and sugar. If you book a tour on this big boat to these untouched places, why wouldn’t you also like to get a video of it with a drone? It seems pretty self explanatory to me. You can find out more information about this here Capture your Ride
I can make this make.
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